Carex has filled Sr. Data Analyst and Sr. BI Analyst openings for us. They were able to find, screen and present several quality candidates quickly. Both positions were filled and we could not be happier with these top quality team members!

If you’ve worked with recruiters before, we assure you — this time will be different. Pinky promise.
Starting a job search can be a full-time job in itself. Our team works alongside you to learn more about what you’re looking for, match your job search to your goals, and translate your skills into a right-fit position. (Think of us as that friend who’s always in your corner.)
If you’re new to Carex, here’s what to expect when you work with us:
We work with partners to staff Contract, Contract-to-Hire, and Direct Placement opportunities. These options can impact candidates differently, so here’s a bit about each of them:
We work with some truly incredible, groundbreaking companies, which means there’s no shortage of great places for you to land. From scrappy startups to established enterprises, Carex counts over 200 companies as our partners, including:
To me, Carex always felt like a partner, beyond just a recruiting firm. The team was trying out new techniques and technologies and offered recommendations on recruiting strategies, compensation methodology and competitive intelligence. I felt like they were part of our team and an extension of the Odeza ethos as an innovative, culture-focused technology startup.
Carex is everything you’d want in a staffing partner. Throughout the years, I’ve worked with them on both sides of the desk, customer and candidate, and they exemplify what it means to be honest, trustworthy, nonjudgmental, and true professionals. They’re someone you want in your network.
I started using Carex for my staff augmentation just earlier this year, and have really transitioned to using them exclusively. I am consistently impressed with the quality of candidates and the speed at which I receive them. They did a great job getting to know me and understanding what I look for, and they’ve hit four home runs for me in the last couple of months. Can’t say enough good stuff about the team.
Carex was extremely hands on and responsive. Each candidate felt hand picked and Carex went the extra mile to make sure each candidate progressed smoothly through the process. Timely communication and turnaround times make a huge impact on candidates and our regular check-ins with the Carex team made sure we stood out as a high quality company.
We’ve been extremely pleased with everything the team has done for us. They took all the stress out of the hiring process, including scheduling phone interviews and onsite interviews. It’s a relief to know that every candidate is high-caliber and especially nice knowing exactly what the candidate’s salary expectations are. The first thing I do when I have new hiring needs is email Carex. I couldn’t be more pleased!
I had a great experience working with Lydia at Carex. She checked in with me regularly to keep me informed about opportunities. She helped me find a great job that gives me a better work/life balance and a more fulfilling experience overall. I cannot recommend Carex enough!
Check out our available roles, or tell us more about what you’re looking for.