How We Work

Working with Carex — no matter if you’re a candidate or partner — can be summed up in two ways: understanding your needs, and then getting to work. In our experience, you can’t have one without the other.


Communication and a healthy dose of human engagement.

If you were expecting a tidy flowchart of our process on this page, we’re sorry to disappoint! The truth is, when it comes to making career moves and hiring for roles, there isn’t a neat process, or a list of boxes to check off.

New careers — and hiring — require a personalized approach, and that’s exactly what we deliver.


Understanding your needs

We go in-depth with both candidates and partners to get a full understanding of all the details we need to make the best matches possible: details on open roles, insights into a company’s culture, and individual career needs and goals.

For Partners

We’ll ask you as many questions about your open roles as we will about your company culture. In our pre-planning assessment, we’ll pepper you with questions about your team dynamic, your tech stack, your onboarding process, and what a particular role looks like now and into the future. It’s all to give our candidates the clearest possible picture of your company.

For Candidates

On the candidate side, it’s a similar story. Our team wants to get to know you, and of course, we’ll ask about your expertise and experience, but we also want to know the good stuff — what are your hopes and dreams when it comes to your career? What do you hope to do in the future? If we know those things, we can work toward getting you there.


Getting to work

Once we’ve had those conversations, the next step is to roll up our sleeves and make things happen. A job search can be incredibly time-consuming and stressful for candidates, so we act as your wingman (or wingwoman or wingperson) by:

  • Sending you roles that fit what you’re looking for
  • Helping you fine-tune your resume and other application materials
  • Assisting with interview preparation and salary negotiation

For partners, we work in a similar way by:

  • Leveraging our database of thousands of active and passive candidates
  • Deploying our robust tech stack to reach even more potential talent
  • Partnering with our in-house Certified Diversity Recruiters to ensure you’re engaging a diverse candidate base
  • Administering assessments on your behalf to make sure candidates meet your technical needs — and fit in with your company values

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What if I’m not quite ready for a new role? Is it worth it to reach out to Carex?

Absolutely. If you’re just looking around to see what’s out there, we’d still love to connect with you. Sometimes, we’ll work with a candidate for a year before we find that perfect fit for them — how you choose to engage with us is entirely up to you.

What if I’m not ready to hire quite yet? Does it make sense to have a conversation?

For sure. Part of building a relationship with you is filling the needs you have now and in the future. It can take 60-70 days to fill niche technology roles. Even reaching out two months before your need arises can set you up for success!

The last time I worked with a recruiter, I sent my resume and never heard from them again. How will you be different?

That lack of engagement and responsiveness is the reason we started Carex in the first place — it’s downright maddening when you don’t hear from the person who says they’re helping you! We will always tell you as much as we know, as soon as we know it.