Are Cover Letters Still Worth It in Today’s Job Market?

Cover Letters - Yes or No?

By: Joy Kurber, Healthtech Practice Lead at Carex Consulting Group

Remember the days when printed resumes were the norm, and a cover letter was just part of the deal? Fast forward to our tech-driven job world, and cover letters don’t seem as necessary. But here’s the thing: should you still take the time to write one?

In today’s competitive job scene, cover letters can still be a great way to stand out. Sure, your resume shows off your skills and experience, but a cover letter lets you get personal. It’s your chance to explain why you’re excited about the role and why you’re the right fit for the company. A good cover letter can also highlight your personality and soft skills—things that might not come through in a resume.

But let’s be real: do employers actually read them? The answer is, not always. However, if they’re undecided about a candidate, they might just take a peek at that cover letter. And if it’s done right, it could make all the difference.So, if you decide to go the extra mile and write a cover letter, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Keep It Easy to Read: Short and sweet is the way to go. Use bullet points or brief paragraphs so it’s easy for employers to skim.
  2. Start Strong: Kick things off with a bang! Begin with a powerful introduction that includes your “why”—why you’re pumped about the job and why you’d be a great addition to the team.
  3. Focus on What Matters: Highlight a couple of key skills or experiences that match what the job is looking for. Don’t just repeat your resume—add some context or examples that bring it to life.
  4. Show Off Your Numbers: If the role is in a field like sales, don’t be shy about throwing in some impressive stats or achievements. Numbers speak volumes.
  5. Match the Company’s Vibe: Adjust your writing style to fit the company culture. Whether they’re super formal or more laid-back, make sure your tone matches.
  6. Let Your Personality Shine: This is your chance to show who you are. Don’t be afraid to let your personality come through—after all, it’s part of what makes you unique!
At the end of the day, cover letters may not be a must-have, but they can still be a smart move. When done right, a cover letter can help you make a strong impression and set you apart from the crowd.