Surge in healthtech hiring focused on patient-centered care, data integration

Surge in healthtech hiring

At Carex, we’ve been dialed into the Healthtech industry since…before we were founded. Several members of our leadership team worked at healthcare software, IT, and consulting companies before we launched our own venture, and as a result, the industry has had a big impact on us. Healthtech hiring is a huge part of Carex’s day-to-day as well, and part of why we love the industry so much is the mission-based focus of many of these companies. Using tech to streamline the patient experience and make healthcare a whole easier to navigate? That’s a worthy goal.

We could easily spend a hundred paragraphs talking about all the good our Healthtech partners are doing:

  • There’s WELL Health, a start-up that wants to make going to—and communicating with—the doctor as easy as meeting up with a friend.
  • Odeza Health helps healthcare providers increase patient volumes while improving patient engagement and loyalty.
  • HealthChampion believes individuals should have more ownership over their healthcare data and decision-making. Moxe provides a clinical data clearinghouse, focused on accelerating the exchange of critical data from all corners of the healthcare ecosystem.
  • Healthfinch provides medication renewal decision support directly in the EHR workflow.

All of the work by these companies have two things in common:

  1. They’re all in service of patient-centered care—care that’s respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs, and values. One of the biggest ways you can respect a patient is by giving them seamless, streamlined communication through the entire cycle of the healthcare system—whether that’s with their regular doctor or dentist, a specialist they may have to see, and the health insurance that makes it possible to get that care.
  2. Many of them depend on integration with EMR (electronic medical records) systems for this seamless communication to happen. EMR platforms have gotten slightly better at integration over the years, but there’s a big need to modernize the management of health information and create interoperability—the easy flow and secure sharing of health information across platforms.

The shift to both patient-centered care and interoperability among platforms was something that was accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Let’s say you’re a patient that’s seeking care. Prior to the pandemic, you might have gone to your doctor’s office, filled out a bunch of forms, and sat there for 20 minutes or longer before you got called in for your appointment.

The pandemic, on the other hand, limited those interactions overnight—and for many healthcare providers, there was a limited way to communicate with their patients (and it certainly wasn’t seamless). For many healthcare providers, it was a wake-up call—if they weren’t doing something to make it as easy as possible for patients to understand where to go and what to do, they needed to start doing it immediately.

In addition to the focus on better patient communication and experience, the pandemic also accelerated the increased adoption of APIs and FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Standards), which allows the industry to get even further down the path of interoperability. The promise of FHIR is to create a universe that’s truly plug-and-play, providing a connector to all parties that need access to a patient’s data quickly and efficiently.

Okay, Carex—that’s great, you’re probably saying. But, what does this have to do with hiring? Well, it means a few things for our current and potential partners in terms of Healthtech hiring:

  • Carex is uniquely positioned to help understand the talent needed for EMR integration.
  • Our founders come from the EMR space, and we have years of experience with healthtech hiring.
  • EMR integration is more in demand than ever before, and we are actively pipelining and keeping in touch with people who do this work.
  • Integration engineers can be tough to find. We know that—but we also have a great network of contractors and FTEs that can get you to the finish line of a release or launch.

If you’d like to learn more about our approach to Healthtech hiring, reach out—we’d be happy to have a conversation about your needs and how we can help.